Decrease Pain and Increase Attention Without Drugs Now!


Disclaimer first!  Consult your Dr if this is safe to do for you, but then this in itself can be a problem!  Is your Doctor truly healthy?  Appearance doesn't mean your healthy!  

Dr BJ Palmer said something to the affect of that we have made our Gods to wear white lab coats and live in our medicine cabinets! 

I say thank God for medicine and emergency care BUT Let's think about Talk about  HEALTH and tackling symptoms naturally.

Remember comfort usually doesn't = healthy.  Also, healthy doesn't come from 1 bottle!  

There are many factors, and I'm merely touching the tip of this iceberg!  Also, realize We're accountable for Our Self!

Did you know we can reduce pain, inflammation, increase our attention and presence in our moments Naturally without pills or harmful medications Now?

Here's the gist of it!

When we incorporate body movements like cardio, running, jumping rope, punching a bag or insert any good body stressor activity here, we...

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Where Your Eyes Go You Go...


This is so much more than what attention I've given this today, but...

This is worth it's weight in Gold!

Simply put, We go where our eyes go!

If we repetitively have them in flexion which is almost everything we do nowadays,

Then, we're Wiring Ourselves to go DOWN!

I've heard and seen it!  We're born

in flexion.  We die in flexion!

We need to stay in extension like...

the SuperHero Humans We are with our eyes at the Horizon!

OK!  Enough Chitty Chat!

Do these 2 things:

(1)  Keep your eyes at the horizon.  Get your workstations, computers, laptops, screens, TV's, Smart-really?-phones, Books, Book/Phone Holders @ the horizon standing or sitting!

(2)  Exercise your Back!  If you workout, do it Twice as much as your Chest!  Yes, Even if your not into lifting,  Do Scapula retractions 3x/week With your arms in the shape of a Y, W, T, L and then arms in for 3 sets of each at 15-20 reps to counter act what the flexion position is doing to us!...

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7 Destroyers of the Good Life!

'That what you fear the most could meet you halfway...'
I love this line and all of them in "Crazy Mary" by Pearl Jam.  I believe it, too.
I also believe that God is not the author of confusion.  We have a choice to live in the light or darkness.  Where there's one there's another so...
Don't Let these 7 Destroyers of Life Win Today: Doubt, Delay, Distraction, Fear, Fight, Flight, and Freeze.
The tail doesn't wag the dog!  
These 7 Destroyers will be there at our doors daily.  Don't give them permission to entertain us!
If you're overcome by one of the seven, try doing the exact opposite.  
For example, If you're fighting a certain person, battle or other issue, transcend over the fight by making peace with it.   Forgive.
If this doesn't help, Go get some help.  There's no shame in working at the Good Life! 
Dr Dennis
P.S.  If you like something...
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The three-step to open up that really works. (and Seriously makes you happier)


You've probably dealt with the know it alls, the nose raisers and the toppers who top anything you got and then some.  Maybe you've also seen those who should just get their garbage together and get a life.  

I know.  Speak for yourself.  Right, Dr. Dennis?  RIght.  I've been on both sides of the coin, too, but...

Haven't we all?  

You know if Relationships are one of the most important things in life, these behaviors need to be dealt with in the best way possible in our own situations.  

First things first, it starts with self.  Am I taking these closed hard stances?  Am I mad all the time?  Have I been acting like I know it all, being critical and using my tongue more than ears?  

You know we're all mirrors of our relationships.  How are they going?

Like it or not, studies show that having the open and 'Everyone is doing the best they can with what they have' attitude is superior to the critical & judgemental...

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This One Power-Full Step Will Change Your Life!


I have a reminder that goes off that asks me 3 questions everyday.  One of those questions to myself is, "What could throw me off?"  One thing that can sucker you in is a 'Hot Mess'!  I've always heard, "Hurt people hurt people.

Try taking a deep breath, expressing that you hear the 'Hot Mess' in front of you or simply, "I hear you!", and feel their pain or simply saying, "I feel your pain.".  Allow yourself to empathize to truly hear & feel.  I mean who hasn't been Hurt or in a 'HOT' state before?

It's that simple.  Don't tell someone how to fix something or be a solution.  Simply try to BE a Good Ear & Feeler today!

There's POWER in empathy!  

Let's get better at it!

Yours In Love & Learning,

Dr Howard Dennis

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Long Live Mercy!

Dear God, forgive me of my wrongs, forgive those who've wronged me, help me forgive, help those forgive me that I've wronged and help me go forward accordingly. In Jesus Name I Pray.

Forgiveness & Mercy are Biblical & proven. When we extend it in our relationships the hormone oxytocin is released.  This is linked to extending our lives physically in years (more so in males than females).

How we converse and act towards each other doesn't need to be perfect, just infused with heavy doses of Mercy.  

While your knuckles are dragging on the ground, walk gently in this life with all its strife!

With Love

Dr Dennis

PS.  For science minds, listen to Gottman's Science of Trust.  Click HERE to get it.

PSS.  Click below and Get Our Weekly emails of Encouragement and High Performing To-Do's!

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Win Your Mornings Baby!

A common thread I see among the happy and successful is they rise up early and win their mornings.   There are so many variations of how you can win your morning but let me give you an example so you can 'plug & play' with it.  Share what you've found to work with me.  Let me know what you think!  So Check it out below:

  1. First things first, drink 20 ounces of water upon awakening (even if you're going to drink your coffee in a little bit).  Your dehydrated dude!  Drink!
  2. Activate your body to activate your brain with some form of Yoga, stretching and/or body movement.  I like to use a foam roller on my whole body which activates mechanoreceptors & proprioceptors (nerve cells that receive information, sense touch, pressure and sense your space in time which send those messages to your brain thus activating your 'upstairs' 'happy' brain).  I then use a lacrosse ball on my feet gently.  Your feet are the 2nd richest area of your body...
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2 Actions That Move Your Life Forward For The Good

christian selfhelp Feb 05, 2018

Our brains are wired to go forward.  So shouldn't we set our best future self out in front of us continuously?  First, write it out.  Have pictures.  Second, feel & visualize your emotions and how it will feel every step of the way!  Create and feel the negative along with the positive on this visual, visceral and emotionally attached journey.  We need to feel the pain and consequences of our poor behavior without masking it so we can learn what we don't want and vice versa.  Ray Dalio calls these 1st order consequences.  Many times 1st order consequences of any dream are rough, but we must embrace these to get to the second order consequences of Joy and Fulfillment to our desired outcome.

Mental projections become real when feelings and emotions are attached.  Usually lack of discipline is masking or not allowing yourself to feel the negative emotions tied with negative behavior.  I remember hearing Tony Robins speak about this....

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