We start with clarity because if you are not clear on what you want, you won't get there.
I will take you through my 1 hour Certified High Performance Strategy Session in 3 posts.
First download and fill out the strategy questionnaire to go through the 3 post sessions Here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/kajabi-store... Feel free to fill it out and email it back to [email protected] or send it by text to 423.542.3386.
What are some challenges in life you're having right now? Why do you want to be better?
Certified High Performance Coaching is a process created to explore all the ways you can reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life. As a Certified Coach, my job is to work with you in this process through 5 different areas: Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, and Influence. Mastery in these five areas, help you feel more purposeful and fulfilled. So, as your coach, I will typically explore:
How clear you feel...
Are words important to you?
Is being present in the moment important to you?
What does your best self lk like going forward in this new decade?
Pre-Frame what you want your best self to Be and look like to others & yourself going forward.
Pick 3 of your best words to live by.
What 3 words would describe your life worthy to put on your headstone?
Put that in for Noon as a Daily phone reminder Now! ...
What emoji would you put by each word? Do that Now.
What avatar would represent all 3 in 1? Pick & Draw that Now!
3, 2, 1, GO! ...
Stop. Do. Be!
Hope this serves you well!
Yours In Light
Dr Howard Dennis, CHPC