2 Words Relieve Tension and Stress

#balance Apr 14, 2019

Its important for us to create balance in life and to be flowing through all challenges whether labeled good or bad.

If we don't create that balance, we can get too rigid or anxiety ridden.

Words are power-full!

Put these 2 words in your phone as a reminder if...

You're feeling rigid and uptight, try these 2 words as reminders:

  1. "Flexible"
  2. "Flowing"

You're feeling chaotic and anxiety ridden, try these 2 words as reminders:

  1. "Calm" is
  2. "Strong"

How energy moves through our bodies is essential for our Well Be-ing!

When the storms hit the fan, Be Like Grass!

Yours In Light & Health,

Dr Howard Dennis, CHPC

If you'd like a Free 1-on-1 #CertifiedHighPerformanceCoachSession with #DrHowardDennis, Click HERE.




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