Did You Know This About Low Back Pain?

Uncategorized Aug 19, 2021
CHPC Call Upcoming!  Schedule Now!
Hope all is well this week!  Now more than ever, we need to be mindful of our spiritual, mental and physical health in the information war we are in.  Many of you don't know, but I went out 2 years ago and acquired my Certified High Performance Coach license.  
Growing up with my Dad AWOL my Mom, my Aunt and my community in Cambridge, IL, raised me so I was always looking to others to figure things out.  I have never stopped searching.  Ironically, Jack LaLanne was one person that I looked up to in 6th grade and I recently just found out he was a Chiropractor, too.  I believe this desire helped me find Certified High Performance Coaching and a few other things, too.
So what is Certified High Performance Coaching?  It is guidance and coaching that helps us succeed beyond standard norms consistently over the long-term, while maintaining positive well-being and relationships....
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Memory, Movement and Your Health

Uncategorized Aug 13, 2021


We hope that everybody has been having a great week!  We're almost to the weekend!  We pray that you have an enjoyable time with family and friends and take a part in all the special moments.

We wanted to go ahead and let our patient members know that the office will be closed on Monday (Sept. 6th) and Tuesday (Sept. 7th) for the Labor Day weekend.  We hope you all have a wonderful weekend with your family and friends!

We wanted to speak with our patient members about some things that are of quite some importance.  Memory loss, Dementia and Alzheimer's are becoming quite common names in our world today.  We have a story and a few tips we would like to share with you, so that you can be aware.  Read below, as Charlie Adams presents his story and tips from dealing with his mother's Dementia.

"It can be a very draining process, when someone you love is dealing with these diseases of the mind; but you also have to look for the moments of joy. ...

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Last Call: The Mekesha Bowling Fundraiser Ends This Week!

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2021

It's crunchtime everyone!  We have come down to the final week of our fundraiser for the Mekesha Bowling family.  We also have some great news we would like to share with you!  Chick-Fil-A of Elizabethton has donated a special "gift basket" with the following goodies:

1 RTIC Cooler

2 30 oz. RTIC Tumblers

2 Nike Chick-Fil-A hats

4 Meal Gift Cards

We'll be doing a special drawing for it on Friday July 30th.  Until then, you still have time to donate to this wonderful family.  For every $10.00 you donate, you will get one (1) entry in the giveaway!  If you donate $100.00, you will get two (2) bonus entries for a total of twelve (12) entries!  We're very thankful to Tommy Tipton and the whole Elizabethton Chick-Fil-A crew for their love and support they've shown for this young family!

So, don't forget, until the end of this month, we are still taking donations for them.  You have the opportunity to help by visiting the donations page ...

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There's still time to help with the Mekesha Bowling Fundraiser

Uncategorized Jul 22, 2021

This past month, we have seen so much love and compassion poured out for the Bowling family.  All this month we are still taking donations for them, and you have the opportunity to help by visiting the donations page HERE, or calling the Elizabethton Chiropractic office at 423.542.3337.  We are accepting the donation amount of your choice in either cash, check, credit or debit card.  The last business day of the month (July 30th) we will be taking all payments made at the office (copays, supplement orders, etc.), and they will be donated to the family.  You can continue to read our post about the family and the situation below

Growing up with my Mother battling M.S. and later colon cancer, Finances & insurance were 2 big challenges!  But with my community of generous hearts, light scattered the dark!  These memories still help me transcend difficult times!

 We here at EC have set aside Friday July 30th to donate All fees received...

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Help a Young Family in Need

Uncategorized Jul 13, 2021

Growing up with my Mother battling M.S. and later colon cancer, Finances & insurance were 2 big challenges! But with my community of generous hearts, light scattered the dark! These memories still help me transcend difficult times!

We here at EC have set aside Friday July 30th to donate All fees received for services to the Bowling Family. We will also will be taking donations for the month of July for this family and their beautiful children’s needs as Mekesha & Justin travel for treatments while her Mom cares for their children. If you have an opportunity to give to this young family, I implore you to call us at 423.542.3337 to make a donation via cash, check, credit, or debit card. Let’s make a difference for the good, and Show the power of love that transcends all. Let’s reflect it back! We will not disappoint!

Love, Dr Howard Dennis, DC, CHPC, Charlie Adams, CTA, CXT, Ginny Grindstaff, and Joy Young, CTA (Your EC Family)!  Please read...

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energy Jun 16, 2020

Here are the second series of videos of My Strategy Session on ENERGY.  

Video 2a is Here: https://youtu.be/hzVirSAGHwA  

I'd love for you to like these videos, post comments, and subscribe to my YouTube channel for more, great health information coming your way.  

In the questionnaire you filled out in the beginning of this series, in the area of Energy, you rated yourself what # out of 10?

So let’s discuss:

1 . Are you happy with your level of mental and physical energy each day? Why or why not?

2 . If you decided to have more energy and get in the best health of your life this year, what habits would you start right away?

3. What could you do on an ongoing basis to help yourself renew more often and recover from stress?

Here's STRATEGY SESSION PART 2b video Here:  https://youtu.be/7Vi1tIobx0Y


First, set an intention to calm ourselves down and really sense and relax into this...

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clarity Jun 13, 2020

 We start with clarity because if you are not clear on what you want, you won't get there.

I will take you through my 1 hour Certified High Performance Strategy Session in 3 posts.

First download and fill out the strategy questionnaire to go through the 3 post sessions Here: https://s3.amazonaws.com/kajabi-store... Feel free to fill it out and email it back to [email protected] or send it by text to 423.542.3386.  

What are some challenges in life you're having right now? Why do you want to be better?

Certified High Performance Coaching is a process created to explore all the ways you can reach heightened and sustained levels of performance and potential in your life. As a Certified Coach, my job is to work with you in this process through 5 different areas: Clarity, Energy, Courage, Productivity, and Influence. Mastery in these five areas, help you feel more purposeful and fulfilled. So, as your coach, I will typically explore:

How clear you feel...

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Uncategorized Jun 04, 2020

Today we are going to review the first two 'T's of subluxation, and then get into the final and third 'T' of subluxation - Toxins and how they affect our daily lives and habits.

As a refresher for our Thoughts (the 1st 'T'), pick 3 words to live by.  What are 3 words you'd be proud to put on your tombstone? Put these 3 words in your phone as a daily reminder to live by.

To decrease the negative effects of repetitive Trauma (the 2nd 'T'), Keep your eyes at the horizon. Get your digital devices at the horizon. Do more back and scapula retraction exercises in your workouts.

The 3rd 'T' is Toxins. What toxins can you eliminate in your life?

1. What ingredients are in your foods? Are they processed, non-GMO and GF? The foods we eat either take away or add toxins. Beets and cruciferous vegetables are great for our kidney and liver health which are filters of our bodies.

2. What are you using for cleaning agents in your house? Are they organic? Are they toxic?  Do they have...

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Uncategorized May 30, 2020

In this video, I go over 2 simple exercises to lower your cortisol, minimize the repetitive trauma in your life and save face on your soft nerve pathways.

Hi! I'm Dr Howard Dennis, Certified High Performance Coach, here to talk about the second of the three T's called trauma.

Did you realize repetitive trauma can be in the form of poor posture for long periods day in day out? Have you ever heard of text neck or low riding it?

Always looking down, shoulders slumped and always being in a flexed posture repetitively for long periods are forms of repetitive trauma.

This affects cortisol, testosterone and chokes soft nerve pathways leading to poor body chemistry and memory loss.

What can you do about it?

1. Keep your eyes at the horizon. Get your computer monitors and mobile devices positioned at the horizon of your field of vision at work and/or play.

2. Do a 1 to 2 minute superhero pose per day coupled with deep breathing and gratitude.  This was found in a Harvard study by...

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Uncategorized May 25, 2020

Hello Accountability Team!

I'd first like to challenge you to buy a journal for this 30 Day journey.  

Have a daily post of what you can get excited about this day?  Write that down.

Then ask yourself...

What are 3 words I want others to see me as and that I want to see myself as?  What are 3 words to live by?  What are 3 words I would put on my headstone?  Write that down.

Now would you share your 3 words and why you picked them?

Mine are:

(1) Love - It's the greatest of all!

(2) Laughter - Got to be able to laugh at myself.

(3) Fluid - Able to go through or around anything.

Now, put your 3 words in your phone as a daily reminder.  I'd recommend a great transition time for you like right before you start your work day or right before lunch.  Do that now.

Yours For The Better

Dr Howard Dennis



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