Here are 2 Quick Ways to Cut Back Inflammation

inflammation Jul 10, 2018

We all must manage inflammation in our lives.  Every choice for the good we make adds up day in and day out!  Here are 2 Simple Action Steps to decrease inflammation in our lives today:

  1. Get plenty of water, cruciferous vegetables, greens, good fats, low carbs, and mid to low protein to keep inflammation down.
  2. Manage our thoughts and actions!  Garbage out garbage in.  Garbage in garbage out.  It goes both ways (and so do smiles:).  When we harp and complain, this increases stress levels, cortisol levels and puts us in our basement brains!  We have a complaining epidemic in this world!  It's killing us!  I have people coming in to my office complaining of the rain like that makes a day bad.  No you choose it and label it that way.  If it's too hot, we blame a bad day on it!  Like this person was going to go out and enjoy the day if it was cooler.  They were going to stay in the A-C under roof all day anyways and watch...
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