Your Next 3 Clarity Steps for the New Decade!

clarity Nov 05, 2019

Are words important to you?

Is being present in the moment important to you?

What does your best self l👀k like going forward in this new decade?

Pre-Frame what you want your best self to Be and look like to others & yourself going forward.

Pick 3 of your best words to live by.

What 3 words would describe your life worthy to put on your headstone?

Put that in for Noon as a Daily phone reminder Now! 🖊... 

What emoji would you put by each word❤️? Do that Now. 

What 💃avatar🕺 would represent all 3 in 1? Pick & Draw that Now! 

3, 2, 1, GO! 💥🚀... 

Stop. Do. Be!

Hope this serves you well!

Yours In Light

Dr Howard Dennis, CHPC