Uncategorized Apr 21, 2020

I recorded this right before the COVID-19 pandemic, but we still live in a world of connection.

We all have a need to feel felt.

When is the last time you helped someone feel felt?

Be a support system for someone.  It's not easy being vulnerable and sharing.

Selfishness, addiction and loneliness can be a vicious cycle of not making the time to reach out and serve others.

  1. Create a pause in your day for someone else and be an ear for them.  Step out of yourself and serve! Whether it's a phone call, text or video chat, Go serve by being an ear.  Reach out.
  2. Show that person your gratitude by telling them how much you appreciate their vulnerability and honesty.

How can I help serve you in a better way?  

I've discounted an hour long strategy coaching session with me HERE.

Go be a light today!  

Yours In Success & Health 

Dr Howard Dennis, Certified High Performance Coach

PS.  1. Make a moment to pause & connect with someone. 2. Show gratitude in their vulnerability.  If you'd like to experience a discounted 1 hour High Performance Strategy Session and be coached by me, Dr. Dennis, Simply Click HERE.